Welcoming delegates at The Malvern Diabetic Foot conferenceby Adtec HealthcareMay 12, 2022Read MoreWelcoming Cardiothoracic Specialists at The SCTSby Adtec HealthcareMay 9, 2022Read MoreThe ISHLT Award Goes to Thomas Schlöglhofer!by Adtec HealthcareMay 9, 2022Read MoreNext week welcomes the start of the exhibition seasonby Adtec HealthcareMay 4, 2022Read MoreTaiwan Wound Therapy Society Conference, March 2022by Adtec HealthcareMarch 30, 2022Read MoreToGCPiCPTby Adtec HealthcareMarch 16, 2022Read MoreOur Cold Plasma Medical Device leads the wayby Adtec HealthcareFebruary 28, 2022Read MoreThe Safety and Reliability of our Cold Plasmaby Adtec HealthcareFebruary 15, 2022Read MoreOur patented 6 electrode Cold Plasma Torchby Adtec HealthcareFebruary 7, 2022Read MoreInterested in becoming our medical distributor?by Adtec HealthcareJanuary 31, 2022Read MoreAdtec Healthcare’s Conference and Exhibition attendance dates for 2022by Adtec HealthcareJanuary 26, 2022Read MoreSeasons Greetings from Adtec Healthcareby Adtec HealthcareDecember 21, 2021Read More