SteriPlas proven to heal patients faster

“In cases with biofilm complications, CAP patients had an average wound area reduction of 44% whereas patients from the Control group had an average increase of 167%.”


Diabetic foot ulcers complicated with biofilm are already prone to poor arterial flow, therefore, the delivery of antibiotics to a complicated site already infected with multi-resistant bacteria may pose little to no help in healing the wound. This unfortunately can lead to amputations and further complications.


The SteriPlas benefits significantly to antibiotics due to its unfailing physical mode of action delivery during treatment. Multi-resistant bacteria, whether embedded and protected in biofilm, is quickly destroyed in as quick as 2 minutes. The treatment is delivered directly at the site of infection, is painless, contact-free, and most importantly has no side effects. As bacteria is destroyed so easily with our Premium Cold Plasma therapy, patients are healed and relieve the costs burden associated to hospitals.


“The SteriPlas is a cost and clinically effective treatment option for diabetic patients with infected chronic lower leg wounds in the absence of significant peripheral arterial disease.”


For more information about our strong clinical efficacy and #HealthEconomics, contact us at