Deep Sternal Wound Infections (DWSI) and the Adtec SteriPlas
Unlike other cold plasma medical devices currently present on the market, the Adtec SteriPlas is not limited to the treatment of superficial wounds only.
For example, deep sternal wound infections (DSWIs) are a potentially devastating complication of median sternotomy performed in cardiac surgery. These large wound cavities are prone to infections and there is a concerningly high morbidity and mortality rate associated to these patients. The use of conventional therapies alone has shown to not always be successful and expensive muscle flap surgery is usually required.
The large 12cm2 treatment area of the Adtec SteriPlas covers a greater surface area of the wound compared to its competitors. This allows the benefit of a quick 2 minute treatment time for every 12cm2 covered. Because of its propulsion towards the treatment site, the cold plasma components work quickly to defeat bacteria and allow the management of the infection. The use of the Adtec SteriPlas has shown to accelerate healing rates and prevent the need for expensive surgery options that would otherwise have been needed.
It has been praised as a lifesaving medical device and is now widely used across multiple hospitals for the management of DWSIs.