We had a great time exhibiting at the EWMA 2019 conference. We would like to congratulate Maurice Moelleken, Dr Heinrich Rotering and Dr Michael Pierides for their brilliant presentations during the conference. Their data showed the strong benefits of using the Adtec SteriPlas on chronic wounds and surgical site infections, offering an alternative to standard treatment therapies that bacteria may pose a resistance to.
The Adtec SteriPlas has proven antibacterial efficacy backed by a wide clinical bibliography and no side effects reported making it safe, painless and effective for the treatment of infected wounds stalled by bacteria.
For more information send us an email to info@adtec.eu.com

#EWMA #EWMA2019 #antimicrobialresistance #medicaldevice
#gasplasma #coldplasma #kaltesplasma
Poster presentation at the International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot Conference, Hague.
Wednesday 22nd May 2019
A great poster presentation from Dr Aye Aye Thant at the ISDF 2019 conference!
Dr Thant’s presentation demonstrated the benefits of using the Adtec SteriPlas on diabetic foot ulcer patients.
Prior to the use of the Adtec SteriPlas, all patients in their retrospective study suffered from chronic and non-healing foot and leg ulcers with multi resistant bacteria and recalcitrance to antibiotics. All patients had at least 3 courses of intravenous antibiotics for more than 6 weeks prior with poor response.

The Adtec SteriPlas was then introduced as a treatment option. Instantly, positive results could be seen with the infection management for these patients. For example, one patient who was previously considered for an amputation was now improved and risk free. Healthy granulation could be observed with all patients, offering hope and an alternative to antibiotics that would usually be offered.
For more information on the Adtec SteriPlas, visit our website www.adtecplasma.com or send us an email at info@adtec.eu.com

Mr Keith Cutting presents significant results on DFUs in Vienna conference

Mr Keith Cutting presented at The European Conference on Controversies in Diabetic Foot Management conference in Vienna last week. His presentation focused on the benefits of treating complex diabetic foot ulcer patients with the Adtec SteriPlas.

The Adtec SteriPlas has shown promising results leading to healing in problematic and non-healing wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers or surgical site infections. These complex wounds that have shown signs of stalled healing respond well to intervention with the Adtec SteriPlas.
To learn more about our medical device and the benefits it offers to patients with wounds, surgical site infections and dermatological conditions send us an email at info@adtec.eu.com
Deutscher Wundkongress, Bremen 2019
Adtec Healthcare is excited to participate at the DEWU Deutscher Wundkongress in collaboration with other plasma medicine companies next week in Bremen.
The plasma medicine companies will introduce the different plasma technologies, product and clinical safety and introduce some of the clinical evidence gathered so far.
This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about gas plasma and we encourage you to attend the session to see the benefits of gas plasma in clinic practice.

Promising results for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers using the Adtec SteriPlas
We are excited to show you a recent conference poster presented at the BSAC Spring 2019 conference, submitted by Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
The poster shows the promising results of the using the Adtec SteriPlas on diabetic foot ulcers that are stalled by biofilm. The SteriPlas “is postulated as an alternative for antibiotics for patients where antibiotic therapy is difficult (due to resistance or adverse effects) or as an adjunct treatment for patients with chronic wounds including those with biofilms”.
Contact us at info@adtec.eu.com to learn more about how the Adtec SteriPlas may benefit your non-healing wound patients.